Monday, March 28, 2011

Epic Meal Time Changes the Game

If you thought the Grease Trucks’ Fat Sandwiches were the most heart attack-inducing foods ever conceived, you’re wrong. Epic Meal Time is a cooking series on YouTube that has surged to popularity over the past few months.  Every Tuesday, the crew creates and eats a new culinary monstrosity that makes Adam Richman from Man vs. Food look like a complete wimp.
The series follows a simple, yet perpetually amusing formula: take several dead animals, wrap them in unhealthy amounts of bacon, marinate in Jack Daniels, and then deep fry for good measure. The result is a meat lover's dream that consists of more calories and fat than most people should consume in an entire week. The utter disregard of moderation has earned Epic Meal Time millions of views as well as an appearance on The Tonight Show. Furthermore, networks such as Comedy Central and Spike have expressed interest in turning the online series into a full-fledged T.V. show. Whatever the future holds, we hope that Epic Meal Time continues to entertain us with hilarious depictions of excess and gluttony in an age of health consciousness.

TurBacon Epic Thanksgiving-Epic Mealtime

Epic Meal Time on The Tonight Show

Ryan Surujnath

1 comment:


    great epicmealtime tribute!
